Friday, June 27, 2003

Spent some time lurking and occasionally commenting in some political weblogs. Most blogs are pimply kids who think no further than the boil on the end of their nose - at least the politicised have a modicum of interest in the outside world.

By far the most fun are these guys. Well, I know the political blog world is mainly made of the rabid right, but to go there is a surreal experience.

I keep going back to have another guilty peek when I could be posting or better still, working. It is just so weird to find talk of positive discrimination being evil, black people's genetic disposition to be be thick and have cocks dangling round their ankles (made the last bit up) and a curious fascination with what gay people choose to do with their bodies.

And someone actually said "blah blah ... somewhere to the left of Lenin." Wow, I've not heard that one for a decades. And as for. "... if it wasn't for her the unions would be running the country now..." it was enough to bring a nostalgic tear to my eye.

Altogether now, "Let's do the Time Warp again....."