Friday, July 11, 2003

A couple of examples that may illuminate why most people are immune to politics:

  • Question time - some Tory MP going on about the beeb, WMD, Blair etc says something along the lines of, "well, we know the Prime Minister lies, he does it all the time on the NHS, tax etc, but to lie about going to war is unforgiveable."

    Nobody picked him up on the assertion that Blair is a habitual liar.

    So, what does this say about politics in this country? It could say that politicians do lie all the time, they expect each other to lie and nobody in the political game bothers too much about it. Or it could mean that politicans make extravagent claims about their opponents that no one takes seriously at all. Either way, extreme posturing or lying toe raggery, it's all bollocks.

  • Tony Blair on the radio. Interviewer - "With the jury still out on WMD..." PM , "If I may interrupt, as far as I'm concerned, the jury are not out on WMD..."

    In other words, fuck what you lot may think, I'm right, it's my ball and I'm going home and I don't care whether they ever find the evidence, it's what I think that matters.
