Wednesday, September 24, 2003

Couldn't Give a Shit Victory Revisited.

The CGAS victory quote led to some comments on the Kid's blog, which set me thinking - an occurance that occasionally happens despite all indications to the contrary.

Dumjon ranted about policians' utter degeneracy, concluding thus:

In fact, I'd say that if we as citizens have any duties it is exactly this one: we should do everything possible to marginalise these people in our society. If we wish to keep civilisation moving ahead then we need to have the courage and the conviction to ensure that those who have rejected its centeral tenets are excluded from it as quickly as possible.

While Anthony C gave the political classes' stock answer:

you could argue that we operate an inclusive political system and that anyone can get involved - you don't like what's on offer; then put up or shut up. If people really don't like what the main parties are offering they can either start their own party or - more realistically - get themselves involved in one of the existing parties and try to change it from within. I tend to feel there's a lot of truth in the maxim that we get the politicians we deserve.

Both views are quite common, although Dumjon's visceral hatred is rarely matched in the world outside the Libertarian circles I assume he frequents, and both views let politicians off the hook.

First, let us look at the pious, "well, you can always get involved in politics yourself, you know. " The first point here is, who wants to? As Dumjon points out, the political animal is not as other beings. Other men and women have real lives to lead, livings to earn, relationships to foster, families to be with and a host of other interesting things to do that don't involve sitting around dull back rooms arguing the toss about the public finance initiative. So why, if people find that the politicians are representing them in a manner that alienates rather than includes, should the response be, "Well, if you think you can do any better, you can always try it yourself. Otherwise, keep quiet." This attitude leaves millions of people with no option but to join the Couldn't Give a Shits, when really they are None of the Aboves. Unrepresented, unheard, ignored. And worst of all, labelled as apathetic.

More wibbling on this subject tomorrow. Maybe.